Sunday, April 20, 2008

I decided to finish the doll I began in Wendy's class. She is certainly not pretty so do not use this output to judge whether to take a class from the Froud's. The techniques I learned and the experience was well worth the money and the time. I highly recommend buying her DVD because it is 240 minutes long and she goes over in detail her techniques. I posted the 'ugly stepsister' below. Enjoy and hopefully the next time I use Fimo, it will come out much prettier. I created a new wire armature, chopped up the Fimo and will start the new doll over the next couple of days. Too tired today.

1 comment:

Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

Based on your ecstatic review, I've ordered the DVD! I can't wait for it to arrive so that I can see how the magic is created. :-)